
The hours of deep sleep and awakening are very important.



At a first glance it will seem overwhelming but you will soon recognize the importance of:

  • Observe the standard
  • Keep the code clean

And you will respect them if you don’t want to sink. ;)


To check if everything is fine before a push, always remember:

$ norminette -R CheckForbiddenSourceHeader #norminette flag


To compile properly each C program:

$ gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror [program.c] #gcc compilation flags - [program.c] is generic ;)

If you see a charming cat inside the 42 building, that’s Norminet!

AI and Algorithms


Ever since you go inside, from the first to the last day, you will breathe a distributed intelligence that will tell you how much the relationship between man and machine can create a better environment where you can learn, discover, and spread creativity in a unique way. Having also a lot of fun. :D

42 takes care a lot of Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms and you’ll be able to taste both during the entire bootcamp.

So have a good journey.

Happy Hacking

Hack the planet

Now put on your sunglasses, take your keyboard and HACK the planet!